Study Permit & Post Graduate work Permit

Study Permit & Post Graduate work Permit

Studying in Canadian Universities and Colleges can benefit students with top-notch educational qualifications and an enhancing career.

Canada provides some of the best options to get a world class education. It is one of the world's leading destinations for international students. It's not only the education which attracts most students but Canada also provides the option to gain work experience through Post-Graduation Work Permits (PGWP). After graduating from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI), international students in Canada may work for up to three years and can also pursue permanent residence. However, your future options to get a PGWP and Permanent Residency depends on your decisions you take while you choose your educational institute, your course, and there are a lot of other things that can affect your prospects of getting a Permanent Residency in Canada. That’s why, we focus on your long-term immigration goals and help you to make the right decisions which will lead you towards your final immigration goal. Further, if you have already completed your education from a DLI, you may be eligible to apply for PGWP. You need to submit your application in a limited time to not lose your status in Canada. So, do not wait and give us a call today to talk about the education opportunities in Canada or about your PGWP eligibility.