Visitor Visa

Visitor Visa

A visitor visa, also referred to as a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV), is an immigration document that allows foreign nationals to travel to and enter Canada.

Every year a lot of people enter Canada on a temporary basis to visit their friends, family, to attend an event in Canada or for any other reason which does not require a specific type of permit other than Visitor visa. In a Visitor visa application, a foreign national has to submit a number of forms and documents that support the application. However, the checklist provided by IRCC merely sets out the minimal requirements for the application to be considered complete. It could never cover every possible scenario, and it is not by any means supposed to be viewed as exhaustive. It is important to note that the applicant is required to submit all of the supporting documentation necessary to demonstrate the bona fides of his request, whether or not it is on the IRCC checklist. The onus is on the applicant to demonstrate that he meets the requirements and, thus, should be issued a visitor visa or visitor record.


It could be very difficult to find out what document you can submit in order to support your application. But, nothing to worry about! As we are here to help you. We would take time to discuss your unique situation and would prepare your application accordingly and would guide you to obtain evidence which could support your application. If you are thinking of applying for a visitor visa or visitor record, do not wait and give us a call today to discuss your application.